Facility Case Study - Deer Valley Athletic Club

Deer Valley Athletic Club, which is based in Boone, North Carolina was looking to improve the indoor tennis playing experience at their facility. The facility included a direct fluorescent lighting system that was not delivering enough light and it was costing the Club time and money to have to deal with frequently changing light bulbs.

Following a long and detailed review by the Club of many different lighting options, it was decided that Sports Interiors would be the company to help improve their indoor courts. This was due to the fact that Sports Interiors has helped close to 50 indoor tennis facilities that encompassed a nearly identical indoor tennis court layout (roof pitch, square footage, type of lighting) to Deer Valley’s indoor courts.

The solution we put together included a customized version of our indirect LED System that we applied over all 3 of the club’s indoor tennis courts. The Sports Interiors onsite crew removed and disposed of the existing lighting system, piped for the new locations of the LED fixtures, and implemented our LED System.

Light levels increased by almost 200% and we were able to dramatically improve the light distribution over the playing area. While the project was taking place, we were able to minimize our disruption to facility operations by only using one tennis court at a time during the installation so that the other two courts were still available for use. The project took a total of 3 days to complete.

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